Carlos and Lupe Graduation
Written by Ricardo Sanz   
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
After some time -years indeed- Carlos Hernández and Guadalupe Sánchez received documentary proofs of having got their Masters degree in Automation and Robotics. Carlos presented a Master Thesis titled Adding Consciousness to Cognitive Architectures that addresses the possibility of extending extant, well known cognitive architectures -like SOAR or ACT-R-with some forms of consciousness. Lupe's Master Thesis was titled Sistema de Visión para un Robot Social (A Vision System for a Social Robot) and addressed vision problems for interaction with humans in robotic museum guides.

Carlos and Lupe, dressed for the special event.

It is always a pleasure to see how people is able to continue doing research work in the present circumstances.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 12 October 2010 )